Our securities and regulatory practice areas involve advising clients on the legal and regulatory aspects of securities issuance, whether acting on behalf of issuers or investors, and whether in respect of the issuance of equities, debt, hybrid or other forms of securities. We combine our broad knowledge and in-depth experience of acting for clients on the buy-side and on the sell-side, offering valuable insights on the key issues in securities transactions.
Our lawyers are rich with experience in assisting clients on a broad range of corporate finance and securities offering transactions, and at different stages of development of a company’s economic and life cycles. Along with our corporate and asset management practice, we stand ready to provide our legal assistance and advice on securities issuance and investments, from venture capital investments, private equity and other primary securities issuance, to securities issuance and investments on the secondary market or derivatives.
In addition, with a strong regulatory focus in the experience and background of our lawyers, we bring to each securities transaction thoughtful and careful consideration of the relevant legal as well as regulatory issues. This is all the more so important in today’s environment of heightened regulatory and investors sensitivities to regulatory compliance in the conduct of businesses and securities markets.
We are committed to assist and advise clients on securities transactions that achieve commercial goals, at the same time to also do our part towards developing and upholding the integrity of securities markets, and supporting responsible business and investment practices.