Vivien Teu is the founding and managing partner of Vivien Teu & Co LLP.
She has extensive and in-depth experience as a corporate and commercial lawyer specialising in the financial services sector, funds and wealth management. Driven by her belief in responsible capital and sustainable finance, and further to her wealth of experience in corporate, asset management and the investment industry, Vivien has strengthened ESG and impact focus in her practice since 2018, following global developments of the Paris Agreement and increasing adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Vivien carries diverse legal practice experience with top tier and magic circle firms in the areas of tax, trusts, banking and financial services, investment funds, securities regulatory and corporate commercial matters. Based in Greater China including Hong Kong and Shanghai in the past decade, Vivien has focused on investment funds, asset management, and the securities and financial services markets and regulatory framework in this region, with in-depth knowledge especially on the legal and regulatory issues relevant to investment funds and managers establishing or operating in Hong Kong or China and on investments in China and Hong Kong.
Vivien has also accumulated extensive knowledge and experience on the fast evolving legal landscape and regulatory requirements related to ESG issues and green finance, and on impact, is increasingly advising or working with charities, private or corporate foundations, social enterprises and impact investors. She has engaged in reviewing and responding to consultations on ESG and green finance, including on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange consultation on updating the ESG Reporting Guide, consultations of the Securities & Futures Commission on enhanced requirements on asset managers and investment funds on climate-related risks and on green and ESG products, and also consultations of key industry bodies such as the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) and CFA Institute, with respect to soft law and hard law relating to sustainable finance, and other thought-leadership initiatives in ESG.
Vivien brings unique insights and practical commercial approaches in her practice. Prior to establishing Vivien Teu & Co LLP, Vivien was senior in-house counsel at a well-known global investment management firm, with responsibilities over the legal and regulatory affairs of the firm’s investment management businesses in the Greater China region, including across business lines of retail securities investment funds, mandatory provident fund schemes, China securities investment fund joint ventures, private equity funds and real estate investment funds, as well as the firm’s institutional investment management and advisory businesses.
Vivien is admitted as a solicitor of Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and of England and Wales.
Vivien has been named “Asialaw leading lawyer” and “Notable practitioner” for the investment funds practice area and for corporate and mergers & acquisition. She has also led the firm in receiving several outstanding industry recognitions:
- “Highly Recommended” in the practice area of “investment funds” by Asialaw Profiles 2019 and Asialaw Profiles 2020, “Recommended” for “Banking & Finance”, “Regulatory” and “Private Equity”, and as a notable firm for “Banking and Financial Services” and “Private Client”;
- Recognised by the China Business Law Awards 2019 & 2020 in the category of Family Wealth Management – International Law Firm;
- In the 2020 rankings of the International Financial Law Review, ranked as a notable firm for private equity funds, in the tiers among global and international firms.
張慧雯律師為張慧雯律師事務所的創始及管理合夥人。 她擁有广泛及深入的企業和商業律師經驗,專門從事金融服務業,基金和財富管理業務。在張律師對負責任資本和可持续金融之信念的驅使下,及隨著巴黎氣候協定和聯合國可持續發展目標的全球推動,2018年起張律師憑藉其於企業、資產管理及投資行業的豐富經驗,在業務範疇中加強了有關與環境、社會責任和治理(ESG)和影響力投資方面的著重關注。
張律師曾於頂級和魔術圈律師事務所任職多年,在稅務、信託,銀行和金融服務,投資基金,證券監管和公司商業事務領域等累積廣泛的法律實踐經驗 。在過去十多年置身於大中華區,包括香港和上海,張律師一直專注於這地區的投資基金、資產管理和證券及金融服務市場和監管框架及發展,特別是對投資基金和基金管理人在香港或中國設立或運作並在中國大陸和香港投資方面的法律和監管問題具深入了解。