
2015年5月22日, 香港证监会与中国证监会签署《中国证券监督管理委员会与香港证券及期货事务监察委员会关于内地与香港基金互认安排的监管合作备忘录》, 并发布《有关内地与香港基金互认的通函》(以下简称“《基金互认通函》”), 正式允许符合条件的内地公募基金经香港证监会认可后在香港公开销售, 由此开启了内地公募基金“南下”的通路。与此同时, 中国证监会亦发布《香港互认基金管理暂行规定》(以下简称“《香港互认基金规定》”), 允许符合条件的香港公募基金经中国证监会注册后“北上”, 即在内地公开销售。《基金互认通函》将自2015年7月1日起施行, 南北双向的基金互认的初始投资额度为资金进出各3000亿元人民币。香港证监会在《基金互认通函》中指出: 鼓励申请人尽早向香港证监会投资产品部(Investment Products Division)咨询或寻求有关解释或指引, 了解相关法规的适用等具体问题。

综观《基金互认通函》、《香港互认基金规定》的内容, 本所注意到两地基金互认的条件、程序、法律法规适用的总体要求既有高度的相似性, 也有一定差异。本文主要就《基金互认通函》做一简析, 香港互认基金在内地注册、销售的有关问题, 请见本所另行撰写的《<香港互认基金管理暂行规定>解析》。

1.   内地互认基金的条件

 1.1 互认条件

根据《基金互认通函》, 内地基金需满足如下互认条件(根据中国证监会的官方统计, 截至2014年底, 达到互认标准的内地基金约850只, 这一数字截至本文发布之日应有相当幅度的增加)方可在香港注册并销售:

(1) 基本要求: 内地互认基金须根据中国法律法规及其法律文件(主要指基金合同)而成立、管理及运作, 由符合中国法律法规要求的基金托管人托管。内地互认基金应始终满足中国证监会的注册条件, 并受中国证监会日常监管。

(2) 管理人资质: 基金管理人应根据中国法律法规在内地注册及经营, 并经中国证监会批准从事公募证券投资基金管理业务。在中国, 除了基金管理公司之外, 还有若干家证券公司(或其子公司)、保险资管公司拥有公募基金管理资格, 该等公司也可以参与基金互认安排。同时, 《基金互认通函》要求, 基金管理人应未将投资管理职能转授予其他国家或者地区的机构。因此, 在中国有部分QDII基金聘请了境外投资顾问, 将部分或全部投资管理职能转授予投资顾问, 对于该等QDII基金, 即使其并非主要投资于香港地区, 但因为存在投资管理职能转授问题也不符合基金互认的条件。

(3) 管理人合规: 基金管理人最近3 年或者自成立起未受到中国证监会的重大监管行动(major regulatory action)。需注意的是, 该项规定并非间接要求基金管理人存续满3年, 故特别指明成立未满3年的内地基金管理人只需要满足“自成立起”未受到中国证监会的重大监管行动。但如何认定“重大监管行动”这一问题非常重要, 假若“重大监管行动”包含暂停业务等比较严重的行政监管措施(虽然该等措施在中国并不属于行政处罚), 将使得一定数量的内地基金管理人不能满足互认条件, 这一问题还需要香港证监会结合其监管要求和惯例, 同时充分考虑中国证监会在行政监管方面的特殊性, 在监管行动的种类和重大性方面予以界定。

(4) 基金类别: 内地互认基金须为常规的(general)股票基金、债券基金、混合基金、非上市指数基金及ETF(physical index-tracking exchange traded funds)且不以香港市场为主要投资方向。根据该项规定, 货币市场基金、分级基金均不符合现阶段的互认条件。此外, 对于如何理解如下问题, 也尚待结合两地的监管法规和特定基金的特征由香港证监会给予官方解释:

  • “常规”基金的认定: 根据《关于实施<公开募集证券投资基金运作管理办法>有关问题的规定》, 适用中国证监会简易程序的产品包括常规股票基金、混合基金、债券基金、指数基金、货币基金、发起式基金、合格境内机构投资者(QDII)基金、理财基金和交易型指数基金(含单市场、跨市场/跨境ETF)及其联接基金。分级基金及中国证监会认定的其他特殊产品暂不实行简易程序。中国证监会对于常规基金产品的上述界定可以供香港证监会参考。
  •  如何把握“不以香港市场为主要投资方向”(not primarily invest in Hong Kong market): 对于部分QDII基金以及通过“沪港通”投资香港市场的内地公募基金应按照怎样的比例把握“主要”与“非主要”问题目前并不是很清楚, 尚待实践检验。  销售对象: 在香港的销售规模占基金总资产的比例不高于50%。总体而言, 香港证监会规定的互认条件并不难满足。但值得注意的是, 上述互认条件是一个持续监管要求。符合条件的内地基金在香港开始销售后, 如果出现不满足互认条件的情形时, 基金管理人应立即通知香港证监会, 并暂停该基金在香港向公众进行的销售活动, 并不得再接受新的申购请求。

(5)  基金规模: 成立1 年以上, 资产规模不低于2 亿元人民币(或等值外币)。考虑到内地基金资产净值均经托管人复核, 我们理解, 是否满足2亿元资产管理规模可以以最近一期经资产托管人复核的基金资产净值状况为依据进行判断。

1.2  互认基金的变更以及互认的撤销

根据《基金互认通函》, 内地互认基金的有关变更应根据适用的中国法律法规及基金合同等法律文件进行。根据《中华人民共和国证券投资基金法》和《公开募集证券投资基金运作管理办法》(中国证监会令第104号)的有关规定, 内地互认基金可能因为需要变更注册事项而变更, 也可能因为涉及基金费用调整、投资比例变化等无需变更注册的事由导致变更。

内地互认基金的变更须经中国证监会批准或者履行适当程序, 并在此之后递交香港证监会备案, 该等变更应同时通知香港投资者。并且, 内地互认基金的有关变更不应与适用的中国法律法规及《基金互认通函》相冲突。对此, 内地的基金管理人未来在考虑变更内地互认基金的有关内容时, 不仅要考虑中国法的内容, 也需要同时考虑香港方面的法律法规, 尤其是《基金互认通函》的互认条件等要求。

此外, 根据《基金互认通函》, 在内地互认基金获认可后, 若管理人有意不再维持该等认可资格, 可根据《单位信托及互惠基金守则》(the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds, 以下简称“UT Code”)等适用的香港法律法规向香港证监会申请撤销认可。

2.   香港证监会对内地互认基金的认可程序

2.1   内地互认基金应经香港证监会认可后方可在香港销售根据《基金互认通函》和香港地区相关法律法规的规定, 内地基金须经香港证监会认可后方可在香港公开销售。有关内地互认基金的申请认可程序详情参见香港证监会网站(。根据香港证监会的上述规定, 内地基金管理人需要向香港证监会提交的申请材料1包括但不限于:

  • 确认函: 关于申请材料合规、法律文件已经中国证监会注册且为最新文本的确认; 对于繁体中文文本、英文文本真实、准确的确认以及对香港证监会要求的其他事项的确认。
  • 表格类: 填妥的各项申请表格, 该表格涵盖管理人、基金、香港代表、香港销售文件等各方面的信息。
  • 基金法律文件: 简体中文版的基金合同; 中英文(中文应为繁体中文)的招募说明书及根据香港法的规定而对招募说明书作出的补充(covering document); 中英文版(中文应为繁体中文)的产品资料概要(KFS)。
  • 财务报告和定期报告: 基金最近经审计的财务报告以及最新的季度或半年度报告(如其数据相比经审计的财务报告更新), 该项材料可以以简体中文提交。
  • 香港代表情况: 基金的香港代表的基本情况及相关确认函和承诺函。
  • 核准人士情况: 内地互认基金的管理人根据UT Code第1.3(g)条指定核准人士(approved person)的函件及该核准人士需提交的信息。根据UT Code第1.5条和第1.6条的规定, 核准人士应是通常居住在香港的个人, 负责代表公募基金发送文件、邀请和广告, 并作为相关文件的指定送达人和香港证监会的指定联络人。核准人士应在香港代表之处任职。

如前所述, 除个别文件获准以简体中文提交外, 上述向香港证监会提交的申请文件需以英文编写。此外, 《基金互认通函》要求, 若向香港公众发出中文文件(包括销售文件、产品资料概要、通知及公告), 该中文文件均应以繁体中文书就。若该等文件原为简体中文, 则繁体中文的表述应如实、准确反映原文内容, 并且考虑香港的市场实践及繁体中文的使用习惯。任何情况下, 繁体中文版本与已向中国证监会注册或备案的简体中文版本不应有实质区别。

有鉴于此, 无论是在申请认可时向香港证监会提交的招募说明书等篇幅较长的英文文本, 抑或在未来持续信息披露时须符合香港基金业务的惯例和投资者阅读习惯的繁体中文文本, 这些文件的翻译和编制对于内地基金管理人而言并不是一件轻松的事情。

2.2  香港证监会的审查程序

申请互认的基金应根据前述要求向香港证监会提交申请文件, 并随附香港证监会要求的申请认可的费用。除非香港证监会对申请认可的内地互认基金另有规定, 每只基金的申请费用应为港币2万元。香港证监会将在所有材料齐备且申请人付讫费用后受理申请并在2个工作日内出具受理函(Take-up Letter); 若香港证监会认为申请材料的完备性存在问题, 申请材料则将被退回并不被受理。

受理申请后, 香港证监会将在7-14个工作日内出具初步反馈意见; 在审查的整个过程中, 香港证监会还会不时对申请人提出与申请相关的问题和要求, 申请人应当在一个月内及时予以答复。根据2013年11月香港证监会发布的相关通函, 申请通常应在受理后的6个月内审查完毕, 申请若未能在6个月内取得香港证监会的认可, 则将告失效。申请失效后, 申请人需重新提交申请并支付申请费用。

根据《基金互认通函》第3条的规定, 对于符合条件申请互认的基金, 香港证监会将适用简易程序, 其时间将大大短于前段所述常规程序6个月的审查时间。

3.   香港代表制度

3.1 香港代表制度及其资格要求

根据UT Code第9章, 拟在香港公开销售的基金的管理人若并非在香港成立, 则应当为该基金在香港委任香港代表(Hong Kong Representative)。据此, 内地互认基金的基金管理人应代表基金在香港聘请一家机构作为其香港代表。

香港代表应是在香港成立的持有香港证监会颁发的第一类牌照(证券交易)的机构或者符合相关条件的信托公司。若内地基金管理机构在香港已设立子公司, 且持有第一类牌照, 则该香港子公司适合担任其内地互认基金的香港代表。目前, 持有第一类牌照的香港子公司并不是很多。但根据香港证监会的有关规定, 申请第一类牌照并不是很困难的事情。

3.2  香港代表的职责

根据UT Code, 香港代表的职责包括:

  • 接受投资者的认/申购申请及款项
  • 发出确认单据/成交单据
  • 接收持有人的赎回/过户/转换等通知并转予管理人
  • 接收并转达持有人发出的通知/信函(包括诉讼文件)
  • 终止或暂停赎回时通知香港证监会
  • 向公众提供基金法律文件/销售文件/财务资料的查阅服务
  • 应香港证监会要求提交有关账目及记录
  • 代表管理人处理与香港持有人有金钱利害关系的事项
  • 处理与基金在香港销售有关的其他事项

对于内地基金管理人而言, 其应与香港代表签订聘任协议, 根据在香港地区销售互认基金的需求并结合内地互认基金的特征, 对上述事项作出具体的约定。

4.   内地互认基金的运作和销售 

4.1  运作中的法律适用原则

根据《基金互认通函》, 内地互认基金的运作、销售、信息披露应遵循如下原则:

  1. 投资运作遵守内地法律法规和基金法律文件;
  2. 在香港地区销售行为遵守香港法;
  3. 信息披露以内地法律法规的规定、基金合同的约定以及招募说明书的相关内容为主, 但需根据香港法进行适当补充。

4.2    争议解决方式

关于基金合同约定的争议解决方式, 《基金互认通函》要求, 若内地互认基金的基金合同约定采用诉讼方式解决争议, 则不得排除香港法院审理涉及内地互认基金的诉讼的司法管辖权。截至目前, 内地绝大多数基金的基金合同约定的争议解决方式是仲裁, 但确有少数基金约定了诉讼方式, 这些基金在申请互认前, 必须通过适当程序修改争议解决方式条款。同时, 该等基金管理人也应考虑, 修改该等争议解决条款是否需要召开基金份额持有人大会。对于香港法院而言, 如何依据中国法律审理将来可能面临的与基金互认相关的案件也是个新的课题。

4.3   互认基金的销售

根据《基金互认通函》, 内地互认基金在香港的销售应由获香港证监会许可的中介机构进行, 销售行为应遵守适用的香港法律法规规定。

根据香港法规定, 只有持有第一类牌照即“证券交易”牌照的中介机构可以办理基金的销售业务。据此, 内地互认基金聘任持有第一类牌照的机构担任香港代表的, 该香港代表可以同时担任内地互认基金的主分销商或销售代理人。香港市场中, 持有第一类牌照的银行、券商、独立财务顾问和在线基金平台运营商等机构皆可开展基金销售业务。

5.    内地互认基金的信息披露

5.1 信息披露的内容

根据前述法律适用的基本原则, 内地互认基金可以使用其在中国证监会的注册文件进行信息披露, 文件种类、内容、格式、更新频率及更新程序等应遵循内地法律法规及基金法律文件的要求。但内地互认基金应在中国证监会注册文件的基础上, 根据《基金互认通函》以下要求制作在香港销售所需的补充披露文件或信息资料:

  • 根据《香港证监会手册》之“重要通则部分”第5.6条的规定制作销售文件(主要指招募说明书)的繁体中文及英文版本。(就广告而言, 可以根据推广对象的需要, 选择只以一种语言发出广告)。
  • 根据UT Code第6.2A条的规定制作产品资料概要(KFS)。内地基金并没有要求制作KFS, 这是香港证监会的特别要求。KFS要作为销售文件的一部分, 载明有助于投资者理解基金主要特点及风险的资料。
  • 为满足并根据《香港证监会手册》之“重要通则部分”第7.4条规定, 在销售文件中说明如何处理投资者查询或投诉。
  • UT Code附录C要求的信息或资料, 主要包括内地基金管理人在香港聘请的香港代表的名称及注册地址、基金的税收安排、寄发给持有人的报告的类别、方式及语言、基金法律文件存放地址、提示投资者在购买基金时寻求独立及专业的财务意见、香港证监会的免责条款以及基金的证券借贷安排等。

此外, 对于持续信息披露以及基金财务报告的信息披露, 香港证监会也在《基金互认通函》中规定了很多不同的要求, 需要内地互认基金予以遵守。鉴于篇幅所限, 不在此详细展开。但需要提示内地基金管理人注意的是, 为了满足香港证监会的要求和符合《基金互认通函》在信息披露等方面公平对待两地投资者的规定, 基金管理人的持续信息披露的工作量会大幅提高且需要兼顾中国和香港两地的监管要求。

5.2  信息披露的方式

UT Code 第11.7条规定: “该计划最新可知的发售价及赎回价或资产净值, 必须在每个交易日以适当的方式对外公开(注释: 发布方式可包括报章、电话热线及网站) 。” 第11.7A条进一步规定“作为最佳常规, 计划应设立网站, 以刊载其销售文件、通函、通知、公告、财务报告及该计划最新可知的发售价及赎回价或资产净值。”

根据UT Code的上述规定, 基金管理人可以将指定网站作为内地互认基金销售文件、定期报告、财务报告、临时报告和基金净值等信息披露的途径。在实务中, 基金净值通常还会同步通过在香港发行的中英文报纸予以披露, 对于需要投资者特别注意的重大临时信息, 管理人还会通过邮寄的方式确保投资者知悉相关信息。


基金互认为中港两地公募基金销售开辟了新的市场, 无疑将成为中港两地基金管理行业的一项重要的新业务, 内地基金的管理人在“南下”中将面临诸多的程序和实体问题。  本所深入参与基金互认业务的各项工作, 并关注市场最佳实践, 在问题的提出与解决两方面为两地机构提供协助。

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Mutual Recognition – South-bound Requirements

On 22 May 2015, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) entered into a Memorandum of Regulatory Cooperation on Mainland-Hong Kong Mutual Recognition of Funds, and the SFC issued the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds between the Mainland and Hong Kong (“Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds”) which formally permits eligible Mainland retail funds to be publicly distributed in Hong Kong upon authorisation by the SFC and opens the “South-bound” path for Mainland retail funds (“Recognised Mainland Funds”).

Correspondingly, the CSRC issued the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Recognised HK Funds (“Provisions on Recognised HK Funds”) permitting eligible Hong Kong retail funds to be “North-bound” after registering with the CSRC, to be distributed in the Mainland.  Under the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds implemented from 1 July 2015,  North-bound funds and South-bound funds are respectively subject to a total initial investment quota amount of RMB 300 billion for fund-flows each way.  The SFC pointed out in the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds that applicants are encouraged to consult or seek relevant clarification or guidance from their Investment Products Division as early as possible in order to understand the relevant requirements applicable to specific circumstances.

From our review of the stipulations of the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds and the Provisions on Recognised HK Funds, we note that the conditions, procedures and laws and regulations applicable on the mutual recognition in both jurisdictions are highly similar, but also with some differences. This article mainly provides a brief analysis on the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds.

1.     Eligibility Requirements for Recognised Mainland Funds

1.1  Conditions for recognition

According to the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds, Mainland funds need to fulfil the following conditions for mutual recognition in order to be authorized and distributed in Hong Kong (in accordance with CSRC’s official statistics, as at the end of 2014, there were 850 Mainland funds which fulfilled the conditions for recognition. The figure should be significantly increased up to the date of this article):

(1)          Basic requirements: A Recognised Mainland Fund shall be established, managed and operated in accordance with Mainland laws and regulations and its constitutive documents (mainly referring to the fund contract), and has for custodian a fund custodian who meets the requirements of Mainland laws and regulations. Recognised Mainland Funds shall remain registered with the CSRC for offering to the Mainland public, and be subject to on-going regulation and supervision of the CSRC.

(2)            Manager Eligibility: The fund management firm shall be registered and operated in accordance with Mainland laws and regulations and approved by the CSRC for undertaking retail securities investment fund management businesses. In the Mainland, other than fund management companies, there are also a number of securities companies (or their subsidiaries) and insurance asset management companies that possess retail fund management qualifications, and such companies may also participate in the mutual recognition of funds. Meanwhile, the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds requires that the management firm shall not have delegated the investment management function to entities in other countries or areas. Therefore, where some QDII funds in China have engaged an offshore investment advisor and delegated part or whole of their investment management functions to the investment advisor, for such QDII funds, even though they do not mainly invest in Hong Kong, the eligibility for recognition is not met, due to the said arrangement of delegation of investment management function.

(3)            Manager Compliance: The fund management firm must not have been subject to major regulatory action over the past three years or since its establishment. It should be noted that this condition does not indirectly require the fund management firm to have been in establishment for 3 years and specifically states that fund management firms which have not been established for 3 years or longer shall only need to fulfil the requirement not to have been subject to major regulatory action “since establishment”.  However, what amounts to ‘major regulatory action’ is an important issue.  If ‘major regulatory action’ includes relatively more serious administrative regulatory measures such as temporary suspension of business (although such measures do not amount to administrative penalties in China), it will render a certain number of Mainland fund management firms unable to fulfil the requirements for recognition. This question will need to be determined by the SFC according to its regulatory requirements and practice, and fully taking into account the unique features in the administration and regulations of the CSRC, so as to differentiate the types and seriousness of regulatory actions.

(4)            Fund Type: Recognised Mainland Funds shall be general equity funds, bond funds, mixed funds, unlisted index funds and physical index-tracking exchange traded funds, and must not be primarily investing in the Hong Kong market. According to such requirement, both money market funds and tiered funds (分级基金) do not qualify for mutual recognition at this stage. Moreover, it is yet to be officially explained by SFC as to how the following questions shall be interpreted taking into consideration the different regulations and fund characteristics of the two jurisdictions:

  • Definition of “general” funds: According to the “Provisions on Issues Relevant to the Measures for the Administration of the Operation of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds”, CSRC streamlined procedure applies to products that include general equity funds, mixed funds, bond funds, index funds, money market funds, seed funds, QDII funds, wealth management funds and exchange traded funds (including single market, cross-market/border ETFs) and their feeder funds. Streamlined procedures is so far not implemented on tiered funds and other special products as determined by the CSRC. The SFC may refer to CSRC’s interpretation for the definition of ‘general fund products’.
  • Grasping the idea of ‘not primarily invest in Hong Kong market’: For some of the QDII funds and Mainland retail funds investing in Hong Kong through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, it is not clear how ‘primarily invest in Hong Kong’ and ‘not primarily invest in Hong Kong’ shall be differentiated, which is to be seen how it would be applied in practice.

(5)            Fund Size: Established for more than 1 year with minimum fund size of not less than RMB 200 million (or its equivalent in a different currency).  Considering that the net assets of Mainland funds are assessed by the custodian, we understand that the question whether a fund meets the RMB 200 million asset size requirement should be ascertained from the latest net asset value of the fund as assessed by the custodian.

(6)           Target investors: not more than 50% of the value of the fund’s total assets may be from distribution in Hong Kong.

Overall, SFC’s eligibility requirements on mutual recognition are not difficult to fulfil, but it is worth noting that the above eligibility requirements are continuing requirements. If an eligible Mainland fund shall have commenced distribution in Hong Kong but subsequently any situation arises that it does not fulfil the conditions, the fund management firm shall immediately notify the SFC, suspend the marketing activities to the Hong Kong public, and shall not accept new subscription applications.

1.2  Changes to Recognised Mainland Funds and recognition withdrawal

According to the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds, changes to Recognised Mainland Funds shall be carried out in accordance with applicable Mainland laws and regulations and the constitutive documents such as the relevant fund contract.  According to the Law of the Peoples’ Republic of China on Securities Investment Funds and Measures for the Administration of the Operation of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds (CSRC Order No.104), Recognised Mainland Funds may have changes for the purpose of amending registration matters, or for adjustment to fees, change to investment percentages or other changes that do not trigger amendments to their registration.

Changes to Recognised Mainland Funds shall be subject to the approval of the CSRC or by carrying out appropriate procedures, and thereafter shall be filed with the SFC and notify Hong Kong investors of such changes. Further, changes to Recognised Mainland Funds shall not be in conflict with applicable Mainland laws and regulations and the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds.  Accordingly, when considering proposed fund changes going forward, Mainland fund management firms shall not only consider Mainland laws but shall also consider Hong Kong laws and regulations, especially the mutual recognition requirements under the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds.

Moreover, according to the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds, after a Recognised Mainland Fund is approved, if the manager intends not to maintain the relevant qualifications, it may apply to the SFC for withdrawal of authorisation in accordance with the relevant Hong Kong laws and regulations such as the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds (the “UT Code”).

2.  Authorisation of Recognised Mainland Funds by the SFC

2.1  Recognised Mainland Funds shall be authorised by the SFC before they may be distributed in Hong Kong.

According to the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds and other relevant laws and regulations, Mainland funds shall be authorised by the SFC before public distribution in Hong Kong. Information on the application procedures for authorisation of Mainland Recognised Funds may be obtained from the SFC website ( According to the said SFC requirements, application materials required to be submitted to the SFC includes1 (but not limited to):

  • Confirmation letters: in respect of the confirmation that the application documents comply and the documents are the latest version registered with the CSRC; in respect of the confirmation that traditional Chinese and English versions of the documents being true and accurate translation; and other matters to be confirmed as required by the SFC.
  • Forms: properly completed forms, which include information on the management firm, the fund, Hong Kong representative and Hong Kong offering documents.
  • Fund constitutive documents: Simplified Chinese version of the fund contract; Offering documents in Chinese and English (Chinese version needs to be in traditional Chinese), with covering document containing supplementary information in accordance with Hong Kong laws and regulations; Product key facts statement (“KFS”) in Chinese and English versions (Chinese version needs to be in traditional Chinese).
  • Financial report and regular reports: The latest audited financial report of the fund and its latest quarterly or semi-annual report (if more recent than the latest audited financial report), and such materials may be submitted in simplified Chinese version.
  • Status of the Hong Kong Representative: The status of the Hong Kong Representative with relevant confirmation letter and undertaking.
  • Status of the approved person: the manager of the Recognised Mainland Funds shall nominate an approved person in accordance with paragraph 1.3(g) of the UT Code, with submit the nomination letter together with such information required to be submitted by such approved person. According to paragraphs 1.5 and 1.6 of the UT Code, the approved person shall have his or her ordinary residence in Hong Kong, be responsible for the issue of any advertisement, invitation or document for the fund, to act as the contact person for service of relevant documents for the fund, and as the designated contact person for the SFC. We suggest that the approved person should be an employee of the HK Representative.

Except for specific documents which may be filed in simplified Chinese as outlined above, the above application documents to be submitted to the SFC shall be prepared in English. Moreover, the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds requires that Chinese documents to be issued to the Hong Kong public (including offering documents, KFS, notices and announcements) shall be in traditional Chinese. Where such documents are originally in simplified Chinese, the traditional Chinese text shall be a true and accurate reflection of the original text, as well as taking into account the market practice and customary use of traditional Chinese in the Hong Kong. In all circumstances, there shall be no substantive difference between the traditional Chinese text and the simplified Chinese text registered or filed with the CSRC.

In light of the above, whether an application for authorisation adopts a longer form prospectus in English, or in future ongoing information disclosure, the need to fulfil customary practice of the Hong Kong fund industry and investors’ reading habits in traditional Chinese, the preparation and translation of such documents are not easy tasks for Mainland fund managers.

3.  SFC Review Process

Application for mutual recognition of funds shall be made to the SFC in accordance with the requirements set out above and enclosing the required SFC fee for authorisation. Unless otherwise specified by the SFC in respect of applications for authorisation of Recognised Mainland Funds, the application fee for each fund shall be HK$20,000. The SFC will issue a Take-up Letter within two business days after all necessary documents are submitted, the application fee is paid and the SFC accepts the application; if the SFC is of the view that the application materials are incomplete or inadequate, the application materials will be returned to the applicant and the application will not be taken up.

After an application is taken up, the SFC shall issue their initial comments within 7-14 business days; during the review process, the SFC may from time to time raise queries or make requests for information to the applicant and the applicant shall be required to respond within 1 month. According to the relevant SFC circular issued in November 2013, review of an application shall be completed within 6 months after it has been taken up. If authorisation is not obtained from SFC after 6 months, the application will lapse. A new application will need to be made and new application fee paid if an application has lapsed.

According to clause 3 of the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds, in respect of funds that are eligible for mutual recognition, the SFC will use a streamlined process which should greatly reduce the time from the usual 6-month review period.

4.    Hong Kong Representative System

4.1  The Hong Kong Representative System and the qualification requirements

According to paragraph 9 of the UT Code, a fund to be distributed in Hong Kong is required to appoint a representative in Hong Kong if its fund management company is not incorporated and does not have a place of business in Hong Kong. Accordingly, each fund management firm of a Recognised Mainland Fund shall appoint a representative on behalf of the fund as its representative in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Representative shall be incorporated in Hong Kong and should be licensed for Type 1 regulated activity (Dealing in Securities) under the SFC licensing regime or a trust company that has satisfied the relevant requirements. If the Mainland fund management firm has already set up a subsidiary which holds a license for Type 1 regulated activity, that subsidiary is suitable to act as the Hong Kong Representative of the Recognised Mainland Fund. Currently, there are not many Hong Kong subsidiaries that possess a license for Type 1 regulated activity. However, it is not too difficult to apply for a Type 1 license subject to the SFC requirements.

4.2   The functions of the Hong Kong Representative

According to the UT Code, the Hong Kong Representative’s functions include the following:

  • receive applications and subscription money for the fund
  • issue receipts/contract notes in respect of the applications received
  • receive redemption notices, transfer instructions and conversion notices from holders for immediate transmission to the fund management company
  • accept and transfer any notices or correspondence from holders (including litigation related documents);
  • notify the SFC immediately if redemption ceases, or is suspended;
  • make available for public inspection the fund constitutive documents, offering documents and financial information of the fund
  • deliver to the SFC, if it requests, all relevant accounts and records
  • represent the fund management company in relation to matters in which any Hong Kong holder has a pecuniary interest
  • Deal with other relevant fund distribution matters in Hong Kong

In respect of the Mainland fund management firm, it shall enter into an appointment agreement with the Hong Kong Representative to agree on the specific terms with respect to the above matters, in accordance with the requirements to distribute the fund in Hong Kong, and taking into account the characteristics of the Recognised Mainland Fund.

5.    Operation and Distribution of Recognised Mainland Funds

 5.1 The legal principles which shall apply:

According to the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds, the operation, marketing and information disclosure of Recognised Mainland Funds shall follow the principles below:

  • Investment operations shall comply with Mainland laws and regulations and the fund constitutive documents;
  • Distribution of the fund in Hong Kong shall comply with Hong Kong laws and regulations;
  • Information disclosure shall mainly be based on Mainland laws and regulations and the provisions under the fund contracts and prospectus. However, they shall be supplemented in accordance with Hong Kong laws.

5.2  Dispute resolution:

In relation to dispute resolution of fund contracts, the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds requires that if the fund contract of a Recognised Mainland Fund provides for litigation for dispute resolution, then the jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts shall not be excluded from any disputes in relation to the Recognised Mainland Funds. Up to now, the vast majority of fund contracts provide for dispute resolution through arbitration, but a minority of funds have chosen litigation, and these funds must amend their dispute resolution clauses through appropriate procedures before applying for mutual recognition. In the meantime, such fund managers shall also consider whether amendments to dispute resolution clause requires the convening of a meeting of fund holders. For Hong Kong courts, it will be a new legal issue as to the application of China law in disputes related to mutual recognition of funds.

5.3   Distribution of recognised funds:

According to the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds, distribution of Recognised Mainland Funds must be conducted by SFC licensed intermediaries and the sale and distribution activities must comply with applicable requirements of Hong Kong laws and regulations.

According to Hong Kong law, only intermediaries with Type 1 licence (i.e. licensed for ‘dealing in securities’) may carry out sales and distribution of funds. Accordingly, where a Recognised Mainland Fund appoints a Hong Kong Representative which holds a Type 1 license, the Hong Kong Representative may also act as the main distributor or sales agent for the Recognised Mainland Fund. In the Hong Kong market, holders of Type 1 license that may conduct the activities of sale and distribution of funds include banks, securities brokers, independent financial advisors and online fund platform operators.

6.   Information Disclosure of Recognised Mainland Funds

6.1  Content of information disclosure

According to the basic legal principles mentioned above, Recognised Mainland Funds may utilize the offering documents registered with the CSRC for information disclosure. The type of documents, content, format, frequency of update and the update procedures shall comply with the applicable Mainland laws and regulations and the provisions of the constitutive documents. However, CSRC-registered offering documents of a Recognised Mainland Fund must be supplemented by a Hong Kong covering document to comply with the following disclosure requirements under the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds:

  • Bilingual offering documents (mainly referring to prospectuses) shall be prepared as per paragraph 5.6 of the Overarching Principles Section of the SFC Handbook. (In respect of advertisements, it is acceptable to select only one language necessary for promoting to the target audience.)
  • The KFS shall be prepared in accordance with paragraph 6.2A of the UT Code. There is no requirement in the Mainland for Mainland funds to prepare a document such as the KFS and this is a special requirement of the SFC. KFS shall be part of the offering documents containing information to help investors understand the main features and risks of the fund.
  • The offering documents shall contain information on enquiries and complaints handling as required under paragraph 7.4 of the Overarching Principles Section of the SFC Handbook.
  • Enquiries and complaints handling as per paragraph 7.4 of the Overarching Principles Section of the SFC Handbook.
  • Information or data as required under appendix C of the UT Code which mainly includes the name and registered address of the Hong Kong Representative engaged by the Mainland fund manager, tax arrangements of the fund, the types, language and mode of delivery of reports that are sent to holders, the address where fund constitutive documents are kept, warnings to investors to seek independent professional financial advice when subscribing in the fund, disclaimer statement of the SFC and securities lending arrangement of the fund.

In addition, the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds contains several requirements regarding ongoing information disclosure and information disclosure on the fund financial reports, which are required to be complied with by Recognised Mainland Funds. These requirements are not elaborated here but managers of Mainland funds should note that for satisfying SFC requirements and to comply with the Circular on Mutual Recognition of Funds which provides for fair treatment of investors in both jurisdictions in respect of information disclosure, the required efforts of the fund manager in ongoing information will be significantly increased to meet the regulatory requirements of both jurisdictions.

6.2   Mode of information disclosure

According to paragraph 11.7 of the UT Code, it is provided that “The scheme’s latest available offer and redemption prices or net asset value must be made public on every dealing day in an appropriate manner. (Note: Means of dissemination may include newspapers, telephone hotlines and websites)”. Paragraph 11.7A further provides that “A scheme should, as a matter of best practice, maintain a website for publication of its offering document, circulars, notices, announcements, financial reports and the latest available offer and redemption prices or net asset value of the scheme.”

According to the above provisions of the UT Code, the fund manager may use a designated website to disclose information such as offering documents, regular reports, financial reports, ad hoc reports and net asset value of the Recognised Mainland Fund. In practice, the net asset value of funds are usually simultaneously disclosed in the Chinese language and English language newspapers in Hong Kong. For major ad hoc information requiring investors’ attention, fund managers commonly deliver notices to investors by post to ensure investors receive the relevant information.


The mutual recognition of funds is a milestone for establishing new market frontiers for retail funds in both Mainland and Hong Kong, and will no doubt be a key new business for the fund management industry in both Mainland and Hong Kong, where managers of Mainland funds will face several procedural and specific issues in their ‘south-bound’ endeavours.  Our firm has been dedicated to in-depth participation in the work of mutual fund recognition in various respects, and with a focus on best market practices, provide assistance to institutions in both Mainland and Hong Kong on relevant issues to be addressed and to offer solutions.

(This article is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice.  For further information, details or enquiries, please contact us.)

Vivien Teu, Partner
Vivien Teu & Co LLP
Tel: +852 2969 5300